Week 2&3 pics

Growing so fast! He is super strong  and willing at “tummy time” compared to Maya. He’s still nursing a ton with neck/ chin rolls to prove it! I think he is getting more and more handsome each day as he becomes more alert. 

2 week comparison with Maya


Lately whenever I turn up the radio for a good song, Maya tries singing a nursery rhyme at the top of her lungs! It’s pretty hilarious to us! The other day I was singing along with the radio and she was chanting “ba ba black sheep mommy!!!!” So I turned it down to sing her request but Billy and I couldn’t stop laughing because it was a total mood killer from an upbeat song to a baby song (it was Miley Cyrus, Party in the USA if you must know). I caught her singing in video yesterday. This time it was JT singing Can’t Stop the Feeling versus Twinkle Twinkle.

Also a quick one of her reading to Liam:

A Different Birth Experience (Daddy’s Perspective)

Since Wednesday, I have been wrapping my head around how Liam’s birth stirred different emotions inside of me compared to when Maya was born.  When Maya entered the world, I became a father. The emotions that washed over me as I pulled Maya into the world were something beyond words; something truly special. To be honest, I was really looking forward to feeling that rush of emotions again as Liam joined us.  However, as I pulled Liam into the world, there was no huge rush of emotions. 

I realized shortly after Annie started pushing that this experience was going to be different for me. As Annie prepared to push, her sacrifice to complete our family became more clear. As I stood beside my wife, I was in awe of her. I stood beside her in awe as I truly realized the sacrifice she made with her body. I stood beside her in awe as I witnessed the strength and determination she had while delivering us our son. I stood beside her in awe as I realized how lucky I am to call her the Momma of my children. 

I instantly fell in love with Liam as I placed him on Annie’s chest, but the emotions I felt as Liam joined us had very little to do with me becoming a father again and everything to do with feeling a deeper love and respect for the person I am lucky enough to call my wife, my partner.


Ouch and now better

I forgot how much this hurts. Contractions started at 13 mins apart, went down to 3 mins apart in an hour. They got really intense and Billy made sure to remind me to get an epidural sooner than later. My anesthesiologist placed it around 3pm after some extremely intense contractions and now I’m feeling so much better. It is clear now that my epidural with Maya was a complete failure! I hope this makes for a much more pleasant birth experience. I’m dilated to 6cm, so now just waiting for the contractions to do their job. 

Water broken, contractions starting, still smiling!

My doctor broke my water and I had my first REAL contraction at 1:12pm, so I’ll say that is when labor started. I also got to eat lunch which was nice since it’s been a while now since breakfast. When Maya was born I ate an early breakfast and didn’t get to eat again until 11pm so this was nice to get some energy in me! My mom is heading over here soon. She was really helpful as a support person and photographer with Maya so we’re really glad she can be here again. 

In a room

We said our goodbyes to Miss Maya and I’m now in a bed waiting for my doctor to come around 1. Gosh, I really feel like we just did this. 

this photo is a work of fiction since my dad actually dropped us off 😉

So now we are just sitting around, watching TV. I’m on a monitor so we’re seeing all of my fake contractions and hearing his heart. More later…